Fall Work Breeds Spring Success

fall gardening tips

Fall can be one of the busiest, and most important, times in the landscape. The more work and preparation done in the fall will account for more success in the spring.

Tips for Gardens & Flower Beds

Fall cleanup should be done as plants are either dying for the season or going into dormancy. All annuals and vegetables should be removed from their beds and disposed of to decrease the chances of insect and disease infestation the following year. Fall is also the time to be adding organic manner to your gardens, add compost and manure to regenerate your soils in time for planting in the spring.

Dos and Don’ts of Fall Fertilizing

Do not fertilize your plants with any type of fertilizer that will promote growth. Lawns should only be fertilized with a winterizer fertilizer which will contain slow release fertilizers promoting early spring green up. Any fertilizer applied to your ornamental plants should be high in phosphorus such as triple super phosphate to promote root growth rather than foliage growth.

Perennial Guidelines

As your perennials go into dormancy start cutting them down and dispose of the foliage. Leave ornamental grasses for winter interest and cut those down in the spring. You may also have to leave your fall perennials as they may not be in dormancy before the snow flies.

Pruning Pointers

Shrub and tree pruning is best done in the late fall through early spring. Yearly trimming should be done to promote healthy growth, but only trim off 1/3 of the total plant area. Rejuvenation trimming, which is trimming shrubs down to the ground, should only be done every 5-6 years and can only be done when the plant is completely in dormancy (typically late November to early March).

A Perfect Time to Plant

As we have said before, fall is the perfect time to be planting. The warm soil and cool air temps provide a low stress environment for transplanting and give plants time to achieve root growth. There is still time, planting can be done until the ground is frozen. And remember those beautiful spring blooms from tulips and daffodils are only made possible by planting them in the fall!

Come and see us this fall! We have lots of great products year round to make your garden a success!