It’s been a long midwestern winter and we’re all thrilled to see some green again! This is a great time to work on your lawn and garden, especially while we’re all stuck at home anyways. You’ll get to enjoy a beautiful landscape when this is all over – a little light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some steps you can take now to get your lawn and garden ready for the warmer days ahead.
- Thatch and/or aerate your lawn (this must be done before applying your preemergent weed control)
- Apply Fertilome For All Seasons preemergent weed control with fertilizer for crabgrass control and other weeds. The ground should be warming when you apply the preemergent. It may be mid to late April before you get it on your lawn.
- Plant grass seed (do not use For All Seasons when seeding, use Fertilome New Lawn Starter in those areas)
- If you have brown spots from your pets apply Lime or Gypsum to neutralize soil.
- Till your garden and apply either Milorganite, Fertilome Gardener’s Special or Espoma Garden Food as a broadcast. Also apply Espoma Worm Casings and Espoma Garden Manure
- Plant your seed potatoes and onions in early April to Mid-April. Apply Hi-Yield Super Phosphate to crops that are harvested for their roots or are produced underground (also carrots, beets, parsnips etc).
- Mid-April plant earlier season vegetables such as radishes, carrots and beets.
- Late April and early May plant cabbage and other cole crops.
Trees and Shrubs
- Start your fungicide applications when buds start breaking. Use Fertilome Broad Spectrum fungicide for leaf disease prevention such as anthracnose and leaf spot. On fruit trees use
- Fertilome Fruit Tree spray for blight or Immunox for control on Cedar Apple Rust and many other diseases. See our staff on frequency of applications.
- Fertilize with Fertilome Tree Food in Mid to late April
- Use Hi-Yield Iron with Soil Acidifier or Iron + for any trees showing iron deficiency last year.
- In Mid-April start planting bareroot trees from Parkview Nursery
- Cut down any perennials not cut down last fall, including grasses.
- Fertilize with Fertilome Garden Cote or Fertilome Rose and Flower Food for slow release fertilization.
- In late April check out our selection of new varieties and oldies but goodies to add to your current gardens or start a new one!
- Apply Hi Yield Herbicide Granules to all of your flower beds for protection against weeds germinating.
- Start raking back leaves and mulch that were protecting your roses through the winter.
- Cut back to the point of where new growth has started (you will see the winter killed branches have turned a purple/brown and the new growth has a green tint to them)
- Apply Fertilome Rose and Flower Food every 6-8 weeks.