Each year we see a big push toward one or two trending plants. We order our inventory in the fall so we usually get a heads up on what is to come far before our customers are thinking about the next gardening season. Perks of the job, you could say! This year, one of the trends we are seeing is perennial fern varieties. You heard it here first, people. We’re all falling hard for the texture, long flowy branches, and fullness of ferns.
In past years, ferns were not widely used in gardening. This is too bad because they are great plants for shady, wet areas. One drawback to fern are they tend to spread quite easily. That’s why we recommending planting them in shady areas such as the north side of your home or under several trees. Just be sure to plant them in an area that they can spread their feet. Here are some of the varieties to watch for this spring here at Parkview:
Pearl White Japanese Fern
This unique fern is new to the industry. While the fronds of this fern vary from a creamy white center with green edges, they can be more white or more green depending on the location they are planted in. This variety will grow about 15” tall. Be sure not to plant them in a super sunny location as they will get burnt edges.
Lady in Red Fern
This traditional fern has bright green fronds with red stems. Like all other ferns, plant them in shady locations that typically stay wet. Lady in Red Fern will grow about 3 feet tall.
We hope this gives you a new idea for planting in shady spaces! While these two ferns are great plants, we try not to play favorites. We have other fern options available that while thrive in your landscape but stop in soon as supplies are limited!